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Thank you BLU community

This is a week of giving thanks to every person who has purchased and shared the Believe LOVE Unite message your community. On Friday, a donation of $2,500 was made to Choose180, a Seattle-based organization whose work "transforms the lives of black youth and young adults by partnering with institutional leaders, connection them with community, empowering them with choice, and teaching them the skills necessary to avoid engagement with the criminal legal system." Executive director, Sean Goode, expressed his gratitude and his words resonated deeply with me. The importance of our collective voice is vital to realizing the possibility of change.

As I distribute more funds this week, I encourage you to find ways to share the BLU message and connections/conversations/inspirations you may have experienced since owning a BLU item with as many people as you know. You may feel like you have exhausted this type of dialogue with your community, but as someone who has been sharing and connecting around this message for 1,361 days you will always find someone who wasn't aware of it, didn't know where to purchase product or that the proceeds are all donated....this week the total amount donated will exceed $80,000.

If you have been feeling overwhelmed with fear about the uncertainty in our world, share with everyone you know...imagine if we could reach $100,000 donated this year. I need your help in spreading the word. I can attest that little actions of sharing can add up to more connectedness in community and provide you with little lifts in your day. We all need that right now.

I am excited to share, later this week, where your gifts will be given. For now, tell your friends that you contributed to one incredible organization, CHOOSE180


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