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Marching On Every Day

The build up to the March & the day of were amazing. I am sure many felt it too, but may be left w/ feeling depleted today, filled w/ continued uncertainty & frustration & exhaustion. Fortunately, because of the past year, I am didn't hit that wall & am feeling more inspire, passionate & invigorated to continue pushing Spread Love 2017 much further. I hope that my enthusiasm (i.e. craziness) will pick you up & give you a little fuel to carry on, knowing we must be the change we want to see in the world.

First and foremost, I am having a one of a kind party that is open to all. It may take a little courage to get outside your comfort zone (you can come and do none of the things in the event name & that really is enough!!) but I can 100% guarantee if you are free on next Friday, February 2nd and join me, you will be in for some laughter with strangers who will quickly become friends and do things that have not been done in Seattle ever before!

You should all be saying, "Yes, I am in w/o even knowing what I'm in for! It's 2018 and I need to shake things up a little!!"

Click the image or link for the details for the 1st ever

I find I have so much to share--so many stories & images, experiences and ideas it is very overwhelming & I tend to scratch the surface of the beauty of the Spread Love 2017 campaign to I ensure continue to prioritize family first. I am trying to listen to both my head and heart and follow it. So I do a live video. I do not pre-plan them, write any notes or edit them because 1)I just don't have time and 2)if I did take time to do them I would edit 90% of a video because I would battle with my own doubt, concern that I didn't state the right things, state them clearly or correctly or just that my unbrushed hair really was a mess that no one needs to I just let all that go, hit record, hit end and try my best to let it go an move on to the next task at hand.

Here are my thoughts today about how why & how we can march on every day towards the world we are all wanting to live in, one of safety, stability, equity, love, support & peace for every human (I don't talk about those things in the video but I think that is what we are all living and dying for):

I have created a Spread Love Community group in Facebook with a hope that people from around the country and world will join, adding their personal stories & images of what they have experienced in their community/life & how having the message of Spread Love 2017 has impacted them or those around them. I grow very tired of my own voice & hope to grow the movement bringing voices together to rise up and conquer hate through love and connection. Please consider joining the group (you do not have to contribute your voice or image).

Finally, I will close with some concrete asks for what I am needing:

--someone to help me find a Photoshop font for Amharic &/or Tigrinya. I have the SL2017 message translated into these languages but cannot put it into a design w/o the font.

--assistance with local & national retail distribution (I have all the materials needed to contact shops...I just don't have the time)

--a few hours of data entry for bookkeeping purposes

There are many more things so if you want to help but these are not applicable to you, just give me a call or email me.

Sending love and a hope for a brighter future. I know it is possible!



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