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"I want a sign but can you send me 25?"

In June, a woman from Southern CA asked if it was possible to have 25 signs shipped to Thousand Oaks. Today I received an email from her that I hope may inspire others to follow her lead.

"Thanks so much for making it work to get our signs to SoCal!

So many happy folks down here. After visiting Seattle I posted in an advocacy group I'm a part of to see if there was interest and boy there sure was! Immediately I had 19 interested folks. I ordered 25 as I figured there would be a few stragglers and sure enough there was. So easy to distribute and folks were happy to share the cost of shipping (which was a steal divided by 25).

The best part of it was watching my almost 7 year old daughters face light up when we opened the box and she read the message. It was like you'd summed up our family values in a nutshell!"

Thank you Sarah for being a #UNITER!

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